Tag: subways

Every subway station now has cell service and wifi, and a new era of bitching at the MTA has dawned

As of this morning, all 279 NYC subway stations are connected with free cell phone service and wifi, wiping out…

New etiquette rules now that you can watch Netflix offline on the subway

Today Netflix came to the rescue of people with long commutes who hate reading books (or are maybe too hungover…

Do not let Uber’s Commute Card undercut the subway

I have heard tale of mysterious creatures of New York, the privileged souls who refuse — actually refuse! — to…

This is why you should probably mind your own business on the subway

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFxu9dOO4zk My No. 1 reason for not liking ebooks, in addition to the fact that I HATE TREES (jk), is that…

Report says half a million trains ran late between 2013 and 2014

Ah, the subway delay. Go-to story for frequently late employees and boyfriends, but as it turns out, it's not as…

Lessons Brooklyn taught me: a transplant’s love letter

Brooklyn may not be where I was born and raised, but eight years, six jobs, five apartments, three ER visits,…

What disgusting bacteria is at your subway station?

What do you think about when you ride the subway? How crappy your day at work is going to be?…

New study shows living near the subway get you jobs, makes you money

As New Yorkers, it's our god-given right to complain about the subway. It's late, smells weird, keep breaking down, smells…

25% of subway trains showed up late the last year

As you've sat patiently or paced impatiently looking down the tunnel waiting for a train, did you ever think to…

The Brooklyn address farthest from a subway stop at least comes with a boat dock

This morning, I Quant NY released their ranking of Brooklyn neighborhoods in relation to subway distances. Greenpoint topped the list for having…