Tag: STDs

Happy humpday! New online service makes sharing STD info easier, sadder

The internet is a wonderful tool for cultivating romance awkward booty calls. But while it's great to get a peek at what…

Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea is here to ruin your weekend, so grab some damn condoms

It's time for more horrible STD news! We're gonna level with you guys: we're absolutely in the pocket of Big…

Men-infected: Meningitis outbreak hits Brooklyn

You guys! We just got done laughing at Manhattan, and now you have to go and do something like get…

Another reason to avoid Manhattan: syphilis

When someone suggests going to Manhattan for a night out, there are plenty of reasons to object: you're already in…

MTV loves them some Brokesters too

Brokesters are the new Jersey mooks. Exhibit B: a trailer for I Just Want My Pants Back, a new MTV…