Tag: spectacle theater

The 10 best cheap things to do in Brooklyn this week, drag king edition

1. Spook yourself silly at Are You Afraid of the Dark?, a scary storytelling show with chilling tales and then…

Get super silly at the Idiotarod, and 24 more ways to have an absurdly fun weekend

1. See the light at The Lamp Show, a group exhibition where 30+ artists will be showing their illuminated works.…

BK Top 5: The best things to do tonight, from never saying die to nude beaches

Welcome to the start of another week, R.I.P. weekend. If you didn't melt into a puddle on account of the…

Five cheap ways to spend your Christmas Eve Eve

So it's the day before Christmas Eve, or as it's popularly known, Christmas Eve Eve. If you're still in town…

Spectacle Theater has an Ebolasploitation movie for just five bucks tonight

It's more or less receded to the background (in New York, anyway, we should quickly point out), but maybe you're…

Zombie Prom, 17 more ways to spend your haunted Halloweekend

1. If you don't want to buy a halloween costume just go get it drawn on you at these tattoo…

17 Brooklyn Halloween events that aren’t scary unaffordable

‘Tis the season to put out the pumpkins, deck the halls with boughs of cobwebs and stir your cauldron pot,…