Tag: skiing

The NYC Snow Bus is the easiest, cheapest way to hit the slopes (and we’ve got tix to give away!)

Winter is here! Well, it was, for like that one week when it snowed a bunch and now it seems…

Where to find the best skiing near NYC this weekend

We're in the midst of awful, awful cold, but there's good news on the horizon. No, not that's warming up,…

Thanks for the lift! NYC Snow Bus serving more mountains, and offering clothing rental this year

Whether you grew up skiing every weekend or sitting at home and wondering why the hell kids in your school…

Go for the skiing, stay for the open bar with The Diamond

As hard as it is to bike up that stupid hill in Prospect Park, it's not quite high enough for…

Newsletter subscribers: win a free ski trip with the NYC Snow Bus

Living in the city is expensive enough. We can't even imagine how to justify the economics of getting upstate for…

NYC Snow Bus, from the minds of the Beach Bus, will get you to the slopes on the cheap

Summer might be over (and we're all still mourning), but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take the opportunity to get…

The best snowboarding deals near NYC

Don't let anyone tell you that there's no snowboarding in Brooklyn—unless that person is a park ranger handing out a…