Tag: secret science club

Lena Dunham trivia, plus 13 more free things to do this week

1. Celebrate MLK Day by being a decent human being and volunteering. (Monday) 2. Sneakily learn about human evolution with the…

Free sangria, plus 12 more free ways to slosh through the week

1. Brooklyn, Stand Up (until you fall down giggling) for comedy at The Knitting Factory. (Monday) 2. The next Brooklyn will…

Beat a Wall Street piñata and 18 other free things to do this week

1. Garrison Keillor will be at BookCourt to spin some yarns about his life. His real life, not the life…

Enroll in Nuke ‘Em High and 22 other free ways to spend your week

1. Roll the dice on Game Night at Spike Hill, since the odds are pretty low that everyone they booked won't…

You spell, or you die, and 21 other ideas to survive your weekend

1. You know the story of Dr. Frankenstein and his Monster. Learn the schlocky story of his daughter, Lady Frakenstein, at…

See pizza love, 16 other free ways to spend your week

1. powerHouse Arena supports the troops by hosting a reading from Redeployment, Iraq veteran Phi Klay's short story collection about soldiers'…

Laugh with (not at) Janeane Garofalo and 16 other free ways to spend the week

1. Get some culture by hearing a play about a haunted prize claw machine read at the Bushwick Starr's monthly…

Love trivia and 16 other free ways to enjoy the week

1. Going to be a parent one day? Go to this seminar on financial planning for new parents to learn…

Stare at the humans of New York and 11 other free ideas this week

1. To not eat meat, or to eat a whole lot of it, the argument continues tonight at Dionysium, Williamsburg's…

Hold Satan’s hand and 10 other free ways to pass the time this week

1. Videology presents Satan Hold My Hand, a movie by a Brooklynite that makes the case that maybe Satan isn't such…