Tag: science

Study: NYC mice are evolving to better digest pizza

When you can't eat the food you need, evolve to eat the food you're with.

Brooklynites flood parks, share eclipse glasses, La Croix pinhole cameras

What you make your pinhole eclipse camera out of truly speak to your lifestyle.

Salute Jean-Claude Van Damme, and 17 more free ways to kick ass this week

1. Share your poems, stories, and jokes with the strangers who really care at Kings County Saloon's Open Mic. (Monday) 2.…

Woman subjects herself to 18,000 bedbug bites in search of a way to conquer them

As we've insisted, and were then proven right by a huge amount of evidence last year, the war against bedbugs…

Science endorses having sex with your friends

Even after Valentine's Day leaves us, your life probably still going to be occurring in a swamp of hormones and…

Put down the razor: Science says women dig beards

It's cold right now, so cold that you might be thinking of growing a beard just to protect your otherwise…

Science sez: Living in New York is keeping you in shape!

We all know that living in New York means a walking-heavy lifestyle. Host any friend who's visiting from a distant…

Science lies, claims Sprite is the best hangover cure

Nobody likes being hungover, although that's never stopped them from drinking before. Not in our experience anyway. The only thing…

Bring science back to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden!

The Botanic Garden is nice to look at, but does anyone really think it should be relegated to the status…

Science determines best way to get a bartender’s attention

We've all been there: at the bar, it's crowded, and all you want to do is get your drink and…