Tag: sandy relief

Shark? attack hitting Rippers to benefit the Rockaways Saturday

Man, Rippers is really gonna be the place to be this weekend. Not that it usually isn't a great place…

Enroll in Rock ‘n’ Roll High School and 11 other free events this week

1. A professional psychotherapist stops by BookCourt to talk about the WAR over the DSM V. Maybe he'll diagnose you…

Crowdfund for Coney before the summer starts

OK, so it's summer now, right? What's that about 50 degrees this weekend? Whatever who cares. Summer! Which of course…

Argue over ways to spend post-Sandy fun money, this week

So we've already got one way to argue over how to spend gobs of money, at least if you live…

Spaghetti-woah: All-you-can-eat benefit for the Sandy Relief Kitchen, this Sunday

Food! Do you like it? Haha, of course you do! What's the only problem with it? Yep, that's right, eventually…

See an angry banjo player and 13 other fun weekend events

1. See Curtis Eller, America's "angriest yodeling banjo player" do his thing at Branded, because this is Brooklyn in the…

Join the Prep Line of Love at the Sandy Relief Kitchen

We've given some attention to New York's slow but encouraging recovery from Sandy, whether it's something like Fairway re-opening or…

Help kids learn to read, and other sweet BK employment opportunities

It's almost outdoor festival season, which means that a whole bunch of jobs are cropping up around Celebrate Brooklyn! and…

Get a free taste of the best wings in Brooklyn next week at Red Star Bar

Just because the Super Bowl is over doesn't mean wing season is over. As it turns out, wing season lasts…

Tell your Sandy story and get a $20 Fairway gift certificate

If you were in Red Hook during Sandy, what were you going through? Was it scary? Did you think you…