Tag: rich people things

Hey look, a chill luxury developer is offering a free shuttle during the Lpocalypse

In one form or another, the possibly years-long Lpocalypse is coming to Brooklyn soon, bringing with it hordes of L…

Brooklyn luxury developers face uncertain future of atmospherically, not astronomically high rent

So many of the people who've come to Brooklyn in the last 15 years have come with big dreams in…

‘Stocks are the next Brooklyn!’ proclaim very odd rich people

Oh Lord what is even going on here with this? [S]tocks may now be a little too trendy, just like the…

California kind of girl: Lena Dunham is ditching BK for L.A.

Around this time of year, when it feels like all hope is lost because winter's icy grip won't let you…

Developer will send you to Amsterdam for buying a Williamsburg condo

When we apartment hunt, we try to focus on the bright side, like how signs of puppy-sized rats are better…

$99 ‘affordable’ helicopter rides to the airport now available to schlubs like us

Ah getting to the airport, the bane of the modern traveler's existence. Well that and the security line. And the…

Nets for sale, Nets for sale. Who wants to buy the Nets?

Ever since they landed in Brooklyn, in their weird space egg of a stadium, the Nets have been committed to…

NYC’s free Wi-fi will mostly be good for Manhattan

Hey, were you briefly excited about the city's LinkNYC plan to turn our payphones into free Wi-fi hotspots, before stopping…

What is so great about the $500 pan you can win at the Brokelyn High Homecoming Dance?

At the Brokelyn High Homecoming Dance that is rapidly approaching, there will be fun and games, large organized communities playing…

Couple who paid $1 million for Bed-Stuy’s ‘LES-like grit’ now want $1.4 million for it

Hey remember the people who moved to Bed-Stuy from the Lower East Side and paid one million dollars for the…