Tag: rent prices

New map reminds us way too much of our income goes to rent

There are few things we appreciate more than cool interactive features and complaining about rent. We're pretty riled up right…

Brooklyn’s median rental price now just $300 short of Manhattan’s

The Christmas season is the time for giving, as we all know. Giving to your landlord that is, at least…

The sky isn’t falling, but Brooklyn’s rent is

Usually, news about rent in Brooklyn is bad. You have to pay it, for starters. Also, your landlord could be…

Real estate report: bad news, unless you get two roommates

With everyone feeling good about winter's end (even in the driving rain it was kind of warm last night), we…

BK rent prices come to North Dakota: $2100 for a one-bedroom

When we last checked in on the oil and gas boom, we noticed it was attracting high school grads who…

Apartment hunt: A visit to upstate Brooklyn

• This week's apartment roundup begins with a modern 1BR in Crown Heights for $1,922.  The images appear to show…

Moving? You might save hundreds by waiting a few months

Did you know that rents in Brooklyn can vary as much as $600 depending on what time of year you…

$100,000 in Brooklyn, $83,394 in Cheyenne?

We love Brooklyn as much as the next web site and probably more, but who doesn't have some kind of…