Tag: psas

New video explores the medical reason behind all that manspread

https://youtu.be/YdtMAVDgqnU Manspread! Most are in agreement that it's a bad thing. Boo! Hiss! Shake your fist at the manspreaders and…

Check out the MTA’s new judgmental PSAs

http://youtu.be/qhXZjxXbW4s Ever wonder what would happen if that polite male subway automaton stopped politely asking you to "offer your seat"…

If you’re having trouble with bangs, the Partnership for a Bangs-Free America is here to help

http://youtu.be/asyzgiXFvCY Bangs. Sure you might think experimenting with them might make you look unique, in a "cute hipster girl" way,…

MTA rolling out anti-man-spread PSAs next January

We're all angry at the MTA for our looming $116.50 monthly MetroCard that's coming for us in March next year,…

If Philadelphia can have anti-man spread PSAs, so can New York City

We don't know what it is about dudes and their professed need to sit with legs spread so wide they…

The MTA has a horror movie of a PSA telling you to stay off the tracks

http://youtu.be/8eDaSSM_W6I Good lord, this thing has more tension than the trailer for Alien. Who made this, master of horror John Carpenter?…

PSA: It’s not alright to watch your iPhone while riding a bike

As you may know, there was a car that burst into flames on the Williamsburg Bridge yesterday. Dramatic! And as…