Tag: Prospect Park

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, party with a purpose edition

Find out hoo let the owls out, expand your entertainment, never lose, brace your bowels, bag some new threads, and…

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, bomb cyclone edition

1. Do more than just listen: Over(Reverberating) is Deepali Gupta's live album performance, a living archive of a manic episode in the…

5 Brooklyn spaces to hide from capitalism on Black Friday

Take cover here and wait until the coast is clear, AKA the sales have ended.

The 20 best things to do this weekend, guilty pleasures edition

Kick out the glams, get trashed, be sketchy, stay wicked, get a short stack with your tall boy, go back…

Prospect Park to go permanently car-free, and 10 other good 2017 Brooklyn news items

We honor today's exciting news that cars will be exiled from the park with a roundup of other good local…

Escaped baby cow captured after brief adventure in Prospect Park

We know you can't hear us in your paddy wagon, cow, but you did wonders for today's news cycle.

The 20 best things to do this weekend, it came from outer space edition

Get in the last word, shop for skeletons in your closet, get into the knitty gritty, wrestle with your outer…

Brooklynites flood parks, share eclipse glasses, La Croix pinhole cameras

What you make your pinhole eclipse camera out of truly speak to your lifestyle.

This week in anti-Trump activism: Jeff Sessions’ war on weed

Up this week: sanctions on Russia, an increased ICE presence, Sessions' war on weed, and ways to fight back.

Turn Prospect Park into your own pseudo-yacht club with free rowing every Saturday

The public is invited to go rowing, for free, on the Prospect Park Lake from noon to 4pm on Saturdays…