Tag: Prospect Park

Don’t forget: Get your Great GoogaMooga tickets at noon!

REMINDER: Great GoogaMooga tickets go "on sale" today at noon. As previously reported, this ginormous food/booze/music "Amusement Park" from the people behind…

Everything you need to know about the freaking huge, free, Bonnaroo-led fest coming to Prospect Park this summer

Great GoogaMooga! Sounds like something grandma would exclaim to her cats when she comes home from church to find they…

Take your computer to a park, damnit

Happy spring! Or whatever this is! Our fear of what this surely ominous early onset of warmth means is only…

The perfect Valentine’s gift for tree huggers

Screw it, we'll just go all out for Valentine's Day stuff today, even though us singles think it's about as…

Warm weather torpedoes Prospect Park snowfest

Bad news for all of us who count on Prospect Park for our free outdoor winter sports fix: the New…

Bring out your dead electronics

Enough time has passed since Christmas that you can ditch all that crap you immediately broke with your clumsy, nog-drunk…

Two more Brooklyn parks get the free wifi love

Free wifi has been creeping its way across public parks ever since the city announced the initiative this summer: McCarren…

Free play: Life-sized Bananagrams coming to Prospect Park

Addicted to Words with Friends? Yeah, us too. You can feed your obsession by playing a life-sized version of another…

Explore Prospect Park by boat, for free

If you missed free summer kayaking in Brooklyn Bridge Park or are too skeeved out by free boating on Gowanus Canal…

Wednesday linkage

Now pouring: BK-bottled wine classes [Brooklyn Winery] I am the Lorax, I walk for the trees [Prospect Park Alliance] Post-Irene retail…