Tag: powerhouse arena

Prince dies 4 U and 14 other free happenings this week

1. Public Assembly is hosting some poetry, and according to the organizers, the world will never be the same. Bold…

Hit up a Hootenanny and 12 other free ways to hang this week

1. Have a jam session at Greenlight Books with master jam maker Laena McCarthy of Anarchy in a Jar (Monday)…

Ramble with Rose and 15 other free ways to spend the week

1. It's a Monday. What better day to think deeply about the many ways to measure time? (Monday) 2. A…

Professor Mirman’s Comedy Lab & 9 other free things this week

1. The Glasslands Holiday Party has an eggnog open bar for an hour. That'll make for some interesting colored puke…

Get scientific about Scientology and 10 other free things to do this week

1. Check out some jazz at Sycamore and while you're there, buy a nice young lady some flowers. Wait, is…

Destroy the patriarchy and 8 other free things you can do this week

1. Eat some Japanese food to benefit the Rockaways. Nom nom nom. (Monday) 2. Learn how destroying the patriarchy can…

Hang out with a goon squad of authors and 11 other things to do this weekend

1. Try to win dinner at Blanca, which is apparently a popular restaurant (Friday) 2. Rock and roll for Sandy…

Help out DUMBO and win a voicemail message from Marty Markowitz

DUMBO may not have the war zone image of some of New York's harder-hit hurricane neighborhoods, but being right on…

Eat, drink & be charitable at Sandy benefit events

You guys are kicking Sandy's ass with the volunteering and we couldn't be more proud to be part of this…

Sandy hates books, so we hate Sandy: How to help Powerhouse Arena

If you like books in Brooklyn, the odds are that you've wandered into Powerhouse Arena's amazing , bright, beautiful space,…