Tag: participatory budgeting

Help North Brooklyn decide how to spend $1 million in the neighborhood

Do you live in North Brooklyn? Do you have a lot of big ideas for the neighborhood? If you checked…

Hey Bushwick, here’s your chance to spend $1 million in City Council money

After watching as DUMBO and Red Hook and Flatbush get to play around with $1 million in participatory budgeting money,…

You can help get the Red Hook Secret Garden ready for kids to frolic in

It was only a matter of time, of course, before participatory budgeting was going to go from quaint idea getting…

33rd District participatory budgeting voting opens this Sunday

Have you run through House of Cards and are in need of another political fix? You could always watch the…

Spiffy interactive map reveals city’s participatory budgeting proposals

If, like us, you believe in the oft-quoted maxim "Democracy simply doesn't work," you might have greeted New York's welcoming…

Now Jumaane Williams needs your ideas on how to spend one million bucks

Participatory budgeting is sweeping Brooklyn! Following in Councilmember Levin and Councilmember Lander’s footsteps all over brownstone Brooklyn, resident badass City…

Stephen Levin is looking for people to help him spend some dough

If you'll recall, city council member and brunch ally Stephen Levin previously made news for opening up the city's budgeting…