Tag: open space alliance

Roller derby, free movies coming to 50 Kent this summer

If you remember a couple of weeks ago (and we don't blame you if you can't), you'll remember that desultory…

Hello, summer! The Shins kicking off Williamsburg waterfront shows

If that bizarre warm yellow thing spilling in from your windows (we think it's called...sunshine?) hasn't already tipped you off,…

Volunteer into free concerts, films and tomatoes all summer

Art fests, gardens and parks where you can pitch in and get free admission, networking opportunities or just some cool…

You can drink like a human being at waterfront concerts this summer

Behold the new renderings for the Williamsburg waterfront concerts this year, created with the latest in Sims-software. While the new…

Williamsburg waterfront concerts get another new home

Take a look at this picture and imagine standing here in a long, winding line under the hot summer sun…

Pick up trash, earn free waterfront concert tix

The demise of the Jelly parties ended the idyllic summer tradition of raucous, free concerts on the Williamsburg waterfront. But…