Tag: NBC

Be the jokes you wish to see on TV: Apply for NBC’s Late Night Writers Workshop

President-pee-flecked Donald Trump is a gift to late-night writers everywhere. Even after the election results were in, 2016 remained a gilded age…

Apply now for your chance to write for late night television on NBC!

It's a new year, and a new you. This is the year you finally get recognized for your raw potential. If…

Now Hiring in Brooklyn: Blue Bottle, MTV, Brooklyn Brewery and more!

Now, with the latest Blizzard That Never Was, some of you may have gotten time off from your awful, terrible…

NBC, out of ideas, will now look at your comedy pitches

If you're involved in a creative pursuit in New York, your mom or your grandpa is always telling you to…

Finally, network TV-friendly Lena Dunham. Meet Emma Koenig

Being in your twenties is the most important thing that could possibly happen to you. It doesn't even really matter…

And the gold goes to: Not owning a TV! NBC will stream the summer Olympics for free online

[UPDATE: You have to use a cable subscription to log in to the streaming. Which means you have to just…

Did you know? You don’t need a TV to watch the Superbowl this year

Maybe this is old news to some, but the rest of us who pay only tangential attention to sports are…

New Apprentice casting the down and out

Quit your arduous job search, stop the interviews and pull down that LinkedIn profile, brokesters, because your get-rich scheme has…