Tag: musicians

The stupid things people say to female musicians in NYC

My mom was a drummer in a 90s girl band, which played everywhere from my hometown of Baltimore to CBGB to…

Everything you need to know to do your first NYC open mic

Ah, the open mic. That beacon of entertainment that calls to shore new performers, experienced musicians, and shouting naked poets…

Musicians: You can make $100/day singing on the subway, alleges redditor

It can be tough making a go of it as a musician here in the big city, what with everyone…

Busk be-gone: city tightens rules for street performers in parks

It's a busker-eat-busker world out there for struggling street musicians and the like, but the city's not about to make…

Fairly depressing chart shows what it takes to make a living in music

We know you guys are all in bands because you love the creative process and just have the music inside…