Tag: mta

Fake MTA poster urges Donald Trump not to grope women on the train, or anywhere

The MTA frequently reminds you through official signs that a crowded train is not an excuse for unwanted sexual contact.…

Become an underground artist: Here’s your chance to design art for Brooklyn subway stations

You might not appreciate it in between bouts of playing tunnel peekaboo with the R train or gaping at these mind-numbingly pandering advertisements, but subway…

Hang out with the famous Brooklyn horse that knows Terry Crews at a BK block party this Sunday

Horses are a rare sight in this concrete jungle where memes are made of. One of last summer's hottest news stories…

The G-oke is old: It’s officially time to stop hating on the G train

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aPdy37JtiU The G train is the skinny jeans of the subway system, the artisanal mayonnaise store of public transit, in…

6 spirit animal guides to help you get through a New York subway commute

The subway can turn even the most tranquil soul into a raging beast. MTA ridership is clocking in at nearly…

Here’s your chance to sound off at the MTA about the L train shutdown

We don't know exactly what, we don't know exactly when, but some time in the near future, the L train…

How long should you wait for a train before giving up? Someone finally figured out the answer

This is one of the most stressing NYC dilemmas: You're in a rush to get somewhere and the train is nowhere…

L train shutdown PSA: You know buses work too, right?

Somehow, even though it's not actually happening until 2018, the coming L train shutdown remains the buzziest topic in the borough. And just…

25 things millennials actually want from the MTA before USB ports on buses

Millennials are to blame for everything, even when we're getting things we never asked for. We're ruining the car industry,…

10 ways to get around the city that don’t involve complaining about Uber

It's almost laughable that Uber's recent strike is garnering such widespread support, considering how frequently their service comes under fire. It was…