Tag: mta

Subway debuts new subway themed sandwiches

For a loathed and vaguely unsatisfying sandwich place that shares the name of a loathed and vaguely unsatisfying transit option,…

MTA finds two billion dollars, stop to fare hikes politely requested

When you dig around the couch cushions for money (and look who's all fancy, owning a couch), what do you…

You know what? Let’s opt out of subway car wifi

There are precious few places you can escape the all-seeing information economy these days. We're sure that makes Tom Friedman…

Vote for our favorite MTA apps from their May Hackathon

The MTA isn't all train closures and fare hikes; it's also holding App Quest a mobile app contest with over $50,000…

Tangling with the MTA comes with risk, occasional reward for creatives

It can be tough out there trying to do something creative in the world. First of all, people don't always…

20 ways the MTA can raise money without fare hikes

At the current rate, the cost of a monthly MetroCard will go from $112 to $168 in 10 years. To…

L-ame: L train isn’t running late-night all month in August

If there's one thing that's truly great about the subway, it's that it runs all day and night, ferrying people…

The future of fare increases: a $168 monthly MetroCard in 2023?

So we told you about those looming fare hikes last week, and probably should have included the advice to go…

MTA raising money the old fashioned way: with fare hikes

Remember how the MTA discovered the G train has a lot problems and then promised to fix them? They still…

God yes, give us the X line already

Now that the improved G train is going to usher us into a glorious age where, uh, we don't complain…