Tag: mta

25% of subway trains showed up late the last year

As you've sat patiently or paced impatiently looking down the tunnel waiting for a train, did you ever think to…

Here’s your chance to give the MTA a piece of your mind about 2015’s fare hikes

Like it or not (most likely "not"), 2015 is coming with another fare hike courtesy of the MTA. At 4%,…

C you later: A/C tunnel to close for 40 non-consecutive weekends next year

Add this to the list of hexes you're putting on your MTA-inspired voodoo doll: Gothamist reports that the tunnel that…

With G train conquered, everyone wants a better C train now

Given how tired everyone is of making G train jokes, because come on that's so 2006 (and the MTA has…

MTA rolling out anti-man-spread PSAs next January

We're all angry at the MTA for our looming $116.50 monthly MetroCard that's coming for us in March next year,…

A monthly MetroCard will cost you $116.50 after 2015’s fare hike

We've known for a little while now that MTA fare hikes were coming, but the one thing we didn't know…

Free subway WiFi expands in NYC, but not to Brooklyn

Today, Governor Cuomo introduced Phase II of his world yogurt domination scheme Transit Wireless Wifi plan, a seven-part process to equip…

If Philadelphia can have anti-man spread PSAs, so can New York City

We don't know what it is about dudes and their professed need to sit with legs spread so wide they…

Subway trains ran even slower than usual over the last year

While you were standing on the hot, gross subway platform peering down the tunnel and wondering where the motherfucking cocksucking…

The R train back to normal service. But what is ‘normal’ anyway?

Remember when the R train would go straight from Brooklyn to the Financial District instead of stranding all its riders in…