Tag: McCarren Park

Northside’s first free McCarren Park show will take you to CHVRCHES

Summer is coming, we swear it will be here before you know it. After we get through this snowstorm that…

Cold as ice: The McCarren rink closes on January 5, so get there now

Have you been meaning to go to the McCarren Park ice rink, possibly to catch a glimpse of Canada's own…

Chilling out at the McCarren Park ice skating rink opening

On this exceptionally warm and sunny mid-November day, NYC Parks and the nonprofit Open Space Alliance for North Brooklyn (OSA)…

McCarren Park ice skating rink to open November 15

Winter is coming, and not in a Game of Thrones sense, we mean in a "The trees and crops are…

An insider’s guide to moving in Brooklyn: Williamsburg

[sponsored_by name="Ideal Properties Group" url="http://idealpropertiesgroup.com/" logo="https://brokelyn.com/app/uploads/2013/07/Ideal120x60.png" byline="Nobody is better equipped to help you make your messy roommate history than Ideal…

Cardboard tube fight taking over McCarren, if you’re too frail for backyard wrestling

Everyone's got Game of Thrones fever, but they don't have any decent outlet for it. At least if you want…

Two new ice-skating rinks to help Brooklyn chill out this winter

As we slowly but inevitably admit to ourselves that summer is coming to an end, we should at least have…

Brokesters, assemble! And 17 other free things to do this week

1. Learn how to market the goods you make in your living room, so as to avoid editors deleting your…

Never say ‘die’ and 13 other free things to do this week

1. Comedy show Free Cable promises all the laffs you can get from basic cable, but without having to pay…

Free Eats: Can you do a full day on free samples?

New York devours money, we know this. All bills aside, it's the eating (and drinking) out that really kills your…