Tag: littleneck

If you don’t hate women, cool it with the ‘grab her by the’ anything jokes

Hey Brooklyn, we (women) get it. President-elect Donald Trump says dumb things. So dumb, in fact, that within seconds of saying…

Slurpy slimy fun: Brooklyn’s $1 oyster happy hours

Upset because you didn't make it to the beach? That's your own fault and nothing we  can do about it.…

Eat your way through Gowanus, for a good cause at Dive in Gowanus this Friday

Don't worry, you won't need a swimsuit, or more accurately a biohazard suit, to dive into Gowanus this Friday. Instead,…

Bars We Love: Littleneck, what a pearl!

Littleneck 288 Third Ave (Carroll & President) Gowanus 718-522-1921 What is it: New England comes to Brooklyn in the form…