Tag: legion

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, risqué history edition

Rock out with your imaginary instrument, hear opera in a garden, learn the titillating history of burlesque, and more ways…

The 10 best cheap things to do this week, hot for teacher edition

[Ed note: Reminder, we now have a separate roundup for activism-focused events, which we encourage you to check out here.] 1.…

BK Top 5: The best things to do tonight, from visiting Max’s Kansas City to attacking the block

It's Thursday, congrats on making it this far in the week. By tomorrow night, everything you struggled with and hated…

Eat free pizza while watching plays about pizza for free at Legion tonight

Pizza! New Yorkers love pizza, and why not? Even if you're foolishly trying to scarf it down before seeing a…

14 ways to spend Valentine’s Day that don’t suck

Whether you’re in a highly dysfunctional relationship, pissed that you’re single, or (gasp!) happily dating get your head in the…

Have an excellent adventure and 17 other weekend ideas

1. Legion hosts a comedy show that's chock full of Brokelyn as our pals Jo Firestone and Sue Smith perform…

Friday, sing back the Mack

It seems like yesterday that the '80s was the surprise comeback decade of colorful t-shirts and hipster-laden Saturday morning cereal…

Friday, belt out the MJ memories

We all remember the moment it happened. We were at work or shopping or taking a coffee break, when someone…