Tag: l train

Dear L: Here’s what life was like when you left me in the lurch

L Train, Gosh, this is weird. I don't really know where to start here. I guess, I'll start with "hello."…

L yeah: MTA adding more L train service this winter

We give the MTA a lot of shit around here, and while we'd like to say we're sorry, we can't…

How to never leave north Brooklyn during the L train shutdown

Why go to Manhattan when you've got our guide to every restaurant, venue and bar you can enjoy along the…

Williamsburg boutiques offering subway fare discount

The big weekend L train shutdown cutting it off between Manhattan and Brooklyn is coming, and boy is everyone excited.…

Annoyance Theatre will give you a discount when the L’s not running

The L train stirs some mighty special feelings inside us. Part of us loves it for the tremendous people watching…

No L train from Bushwick to Williamsburg late night

You and the L train, you were buddies for a while. You had good times, what the reliable-ish service and…

Aw hell: Massive L train shutdown coming in spring

Ah spring, season of rebirth, season of hope and coming soon, season of godawful L train shutdowns that will prevent…

Now you can check L train arrivals on your smartphone

As if L Train riders weren't spoiled enough already, with their consistently low wait times (at least, compared to those…

L-ame: L train isn’t running late-night all month in August

If there's one thing that's truly great about the subway, it's that it runs all day and night, ferrying people…

New website will tell you how hot it is on the L train platform

It's mighty hot out there, isn't it? So much so that you might not want to leave work, if your…