Tag: l train shutdown

Celebrate being a strong New Yorker who doesn’t need the L train in W’burg this weekend

Soon, the L train's demise will render Williamsburg a midwestern ghost town with no avocado toast in sight. Let's celebrate…

The Lpocalypse is nigh: 10 effects the L train shutdown could have on Brooklyn

Cherish your subway rides while you can, L train riders, for today the soothsayers and doomsday prophets finally heard official word…

Here’s your chance to sound off at the MTA about the L train shutdown

We don't know exactly what, we don't know exactly when, but some time in the near future, the L train…

L train shutdown PSA: You know buses work too, right?

Somehow, even though it's not actually happening until 2018, the coming L train shutdown remains the buzziest topic in the borough. And just…

This Bed-Stuy graffiti trolls Bernie Sanders supporters super hard (and more links)

Somebody is trolling Bernie Sanders and his supporters pretty hard in Bed-Stuy right now (above photo spotted near 345 Willoughby Ave.…

How to never leave north Brooklyn during the L train shutdown

Why go to Manhattan when you've got our guide to every restaurant, venue and bar you can enjoy along the…