Tag: Kensington

National Coffee Day! 122 great BK places to get a cuppa joe

Recently, the Times posted an interactive map of 101 spots to get great coffee in NYC, including a meager 29…

Get a free bike helmet today in Kensington, to protect that big brain of yours

As we all know, it's Bike Month. Hooray Bike Month! The only problem with Bike Month is that being a…

8 great apartments to move to for a fresh start in 2014

In case you hadn't heard, it's 2014. A whole new year! So maybe it's about time you got a fresh…

WNYC median income map shows which neighborhoods have gotten rich lately

Money is pouring in to New York, like so many bottles of vodka into the insatiable gut of Rob Ford.…

8 apartments to help you stave off the Brooklyn rent apocalypse

So, rent in Brooklyn is still apocalyptic. We're not quite at the level of truly useful Citi Bikes or making…

Open the window and let the light in with apartment prospects in Crown Heights, Bushwick and Kensington

It's about that time of the month where folks are in a last-minute mad scramble for new living space. But…

7 Valentine’s dates that’ll get you laid

Hallmark holiday or not, Valentine's Day is almost here. And whether you're practically wifed up or starting something new, you're…

9 places we love in Kensington

When I mention to people that I live in Kensington, people typically think it's in England, no matter how long…