Tag: john hodgman

BK Top 5: The best things to do tonight, from karaoke with John Hodgman to a staring contest

It's Wednesday baby, "The Fulcrum of The Week!" For myself and other here at Brokelyn, it's even closer to the…

Hear the Kanye West story, and 18 more free ways to live the good life this week

1. Wear your party hats slight off center and stuff your face with free cake at Side Ponytail comedy's first…

Heidi Vanderlee on getting a job in comedy and music PR

Brokelyn kicks off "get your ass in gear Mondays" with a look at cool jobs. First up: a PR person…

Enter ‘The Room,’ 16 other ways to be torn apart this weekend

1. The Disposable Film Festival at Videology features movies made with everyday camera equipment that could be made by any…

Shuffleboard for a cause, and 16 other things to do this weekend

1. Hop on the soul train at R&B and funk dance party The Mess Around. (Friday) 2. Ebola is on…

Thursday linkage

John Hodgman finally answers burning Park Slope questions [FiPS] Book price inflation index [The Awl] Special Jesus birthday hours at…

TONIGHT! Jonathan Ames will buy you a drink to say farewell to Bored to Death

We're still in mourning for Bored to Death after HBO announced it canceled the show yesterday. What better way to drown our…