Tag: jobs

How’s unemployment benefiting you?

The Federal fount of unemployment benefits has been turned back on. Yesterday, President Obama finalized the restoration of unemployment checks…

A job site for farm-hands and foragers

If you've been lobbying Craigslist to start a  "green jobs for foodies" section, take a break and try this place…

Why I turned down a Census job (but where you can take the test this week)

In the couple of weeks since we ran our first post on getting a Census job, at least two of…

How to get hired at Trader Joe’s today

Are you one of the people expected to line up at Trader Joe's at Court Street and Atlantic Avenue today for…

Salary voyeurism on FiPS

Why is it so much fun to find out how much people make, even if you don't know them? On…

Who says nobody is hiring in Brooklyn?

McBrooklyn rounds up 19 local jobs you can apply for right now: Galapagos Art space is seeking a front-of-the-house manager,…

Best Obama job ever: beach planner, nearly $100K

Reason number 32,643 to love Barack Obama—one of his Recovery Act-funded jobs is a "community planner" for the Gateway National…

Williamsburg trustafarians have to get jobs

For those who missed it yesterday, the Sunday Times had a fascinating piece on how shrinking trust funds are clobbering…

Step right up and get your recovery-act job!

Stimulate this: The U.S. Office of Personnel Management's new job site lists 120 open positions within 10 miles of New…