Tag: jimmy kimmel

We graded Jimmy Kimmel’s Brooklyn Week skits

Jimmy Kimmel spent a week doing shows at the Brooklyn Academy of Music last week, in run billed as a "Back to…

L.A. mayor Eric Garcetti wouldn’t know a good hot dog from a pile of garbage

To be perfectly honest, I'm still not entirely over the Rangers/Kings Stanley Cup Final. It's nice to not have a…

Laugh break: Jimmy Kimmel polls a Brooklyn barbershop

We're sure everybody could use a laugh amid all the power outages and mop-bucket showers while the city recovers from…

Finally, hoarding pays off: Jimmy Kimmel’s Brooklyn Skype Scavenger Hunt!

Round up your 6 roommates, grab your bodega guy, throw in a Brooklyn native with a thick fuggedaboutit accent, and apply…

Jimmy Kimmel Live is coming to BK, and you can see it for free

Jimmy Kimmel, Brooklyn native, Nets fan and noted Roberta's patron, is planning to schlep his weeknight talk show from LA…

Jimmy Kimmel goes to Bushwick, will root for the Nets and other bits from the BK-native

Jimmy Kimmel is bringing his talk show to BAM in October to be the first non-Jay-Z, non-Streisand celebrity to be…