Tag: industry city

Celebrate indepen-dance: The Freedom Party might be the best BK dance party this summer

This post sponsored by The Freedom Party. In the coming days and weeks, lots of dance parties will claim that…

Now Hiring: The Brooklyn Kitchen, Bar Chuko and more!

It's almost time for you to sit down at the Thanksgiving table, and your family might want you to bring…

Sunset Park is getting a co-working space!

As coffee shops lose their luster for the cheaply-minded, ever-Skyping freelancer, coworking spaces are becoming more and more of an attractive long-term…

Chocolate factory gentrified out of Manhattan accused of gentrifying Sunset Park

Brooklyn's been going through a lot of changes--some cool, some lousy--but we've always been able to take comfort in the…

Rooftop Films will reward volunteers for their sold out Pulp movie screening with free tickets

Britpop man, us dumb Yanks can't get enough of it, despite the fact that we rightfully whomped England in the…

6 places I hope survive Sunset Park’s gentrification

Following through on his campaign promise to do so, Mayor de Blasio is ready to funnel $100 million into some…

Beat a Wall Street piñata and 18 other free things to do this week

1. Garrison Keillor will be at BookCourt to spin some yarns about his life. His real life, not the life…

Rooftop Films wants you, yes you, as an extra for the trailer they’re filming Friday

One of the joys of summer is the plethora of free outdoor movie options that come our way, including the…

Sunset Park has room for the Nets, but not for artists

Another weekend, another story of artists getting chased out of yet another neighborhood they figured they'd be safe in. This…

Nets bringing artisan, locally-sourced basketball to Sunset Park

Seeing as how Brooklyn is the reigning king of all things hyperlocal and only beloved if you can get there…