Tag: Idiotarod

Get super silly at the Idiotarod, and 24 more ways to have an absurdly fun weekend

1. See the light at The Lamp Show, a group exhibition where 30+ artists will be showing their illuminated works.…

Settle Catan and 9 other ways to spend the weekend

1. It's a vintage cartoon carnival! Maybe they'll show "Crazy Town," we love that one (Friday) 2. It's game night…

Tuesday linkage

Why I won't hire you [Lifehacker] Go Brooklyn Venture! [Gigaom] RiteAid continues to annoy [FiPS] Yuengling is the American beer champion [Consumerist]…

Scenes from Idiotarod 2010

It's not the grueling race of sleds, dogs and their hard-driving masters through the frigid wilds of Alaska. It's more…