Tag: health insurance

Gov. Cuomo wants to make life easier for freelancers in NY

We know that freelancers are considered by many to be a pretty low rung of the job market, one that didn't…

Dreaming of going freelance? 5 things you need to know before quitting your job

Hate your boss and dream of ditching your corporate job to freelance, consult or start your own business? You're not…

Deadline to sign up for health insurance extended a week to December 20, for the lazy

No matter how many DIY medical procedures you have saved on Pinterest, you are not a doctor. Just as disappointing,…

Here’s a video to help artists figure out health insurance

http://vimeo.com/84132737 Figuring out Obamacare can be confusing, but it's especially important to understand if you're an artist and don't have…

Cheapest insurance on exchanges will cost $2234/year

We might not have a functioning government today (or the last six years, really), but one thing we do have…

Thanks, Obama(care): New York previews insurance subsidies for poors

It's felt like a whole lifetime has come and gone since the law actually passed, but finally, finally, the Affordable…

Coming in 2014: Cheaper healthcare, if you buy it yourself

Everyone is on the edge of their seat when it comes to seeing how Obamacare affects their lives as it…

Some blessing: it’s ludicrously expensive to be pregnant

As if the future weren't terrifying enough for us low-earners in this country, today the New York Times reminded readers…

Feel the excitement: the Obamacare forms are here

Everybody excited about Obamacare??? We are, because no health insurance means we've been dragging around a busted shoulder for like…

Real talk: Pregnant and uninsured in NYC

Today in real talk: it's extremely hard to be pregnant and uninsured. Actually, it's really hard to be anything and uninsured. Because…