Tag: HBO

TONIGHT! Jonathan Ames will buy you a drink to say farewell to Bored to Death

We're still in mourning for Bored to Death after HBO announced it canceled the show yesterday. What better way to drown our…

RIP Bored to Death: ‘I know it’s delusional behavior, but it’s important to me’

HBO announced today it is canceling its Brooklyn-based, Jonathan Ames-penned Bored To Death, and all I could think was, in…

HBO seeking all of Brooklyn’s young, beautiful people

Craigslist has no shortage of casting calls for tattoo-y creative types, but when it's HBO, it may be worth putting…

Is Brooklyn fabulous enough?

But is his column dead on or all wet in suggesting that grownups in Brooklyn aren't as fabulous as their…

The Post: Sarah Jessica Parker moving to Park Slope

Today's Post looks to have the biggest story in Brooklyn since the Dodgers left town: real-estate scoopmeister Jennifer Gould Keil…