Tag: Greenpoint

Spice up your life and 10 other things to do this weekend

1. Learn that yes, people really are still woodworkers, by taking a woodworking tour at the Navy Yard (Friday) 2.…

Get your pets blessed and 11 other free things to do this week

1. Got rare vinyl? Got vinyl that will make people think you're cooler than them? Then bring it to the…

Tonight, help determine how TWENTY MILLION dollars gets spent in Greenpoint

We'll say this much for Greenpoint: they might be getting an enormous condo project that could end up overwhelming the…

Listen to your idiot heart and 10 other free things to do this week

1. Branded doesn't host just any karaoke: they're promising a karaoke war zone. So make sure you pack your flack…

Consider the lobstah and 13 other things to do this weekend

1. Greenlight's Brooklyn Indie Party is your chance to finally prove you're cool to the cutie you've been talking to…

Greenpoint restaurant that bans talking still can’t ban irony

The Wall Street Journal visited Eat the other day to see what their new silent meals were all about. The…

Have a say in the future of Greenpoint at Borough Hall tonight

It seems that no matter how many times mean bloggers refer to them as "hideous" and "eyesores" or say they're…

Greenpoint’s ‘hipster soldier’ confirms, explodes stereotypes

Hipsters, am I right? Constantly ruining everything they touch, with their food trucks and their fixies. Their giant beards and…

Enjoy the right to free laughs and 11 other free things to do this week

1. The Society for the Advancement of Social Studies says "Hooray for Hollywood (history)," despite the fact that we all…

See the power of love and 15 more free ways to spend the week

1. Say goodbye to Books Beneath the Bridge forever until next summer when Book Court hosts Ayana Mathis (Monday) 2.…