Tag: Governor Cuomo

Brooklyn is getting its first ever medical marijuana dispensary

New York State's medical marijuana program is still prohibitively restrictive, but at least we're inching towards a more accessible program.

Trump be damned, Cuomo says you’ll still be able to get free birth control in New York state

In 2012, this here blog celebrated the Obamacare mandate that essentially made birth control free to women with insurance. Under…

Gov. Cuomo wants to make life easier for freelancers in NY

We know that freelancers are considered by many to be a pretty low rung of the job market, one that didn't…

Use your subway horror stories for good this week

Maybe it was this winter, maybe things are falling apart at the fast rate that things feel like they're falling…

Free subway WiFi expands in NYC, but not to Brooklyn

Today, Governor Cuomo introduced Phase II of his world yogurt domination scheme Transit Wireless Wifi plan, a seven-part process to equip…

NY State, FEMA now hiring for Sandy recovery jobs

As predicted, Hurricane Sandy has produced a spike in jobs in New York. Governor Cuomo announced on Sunday that the…

Can’t get to your polling place? Vote anywhere in NY today! No excuses!

HAPPY ELECTION DAY!! If you have not yet heard the news, Governor Cuomo (POTUS 2016??) signed an executive order last…