Tag: gentrification

East Bushwick, coming to a real estate agency near you

Realtors have already made East Williamsburg -- which, according to Craigslist, could stretch anywhere from the Graham L stop to…

Asking for bike parking = siccing dogs on civil rights protesters, apparently

Neighborhood message boards are pretty useless as a window into a neighborhood, but they are really great for seeing who…

Bizarro news of the day: Find more space for less money in…Manhattan?

Well now we've really gone and done it: according to DNA Info, real estate prices in Manhattan are now lower…

Bay Ridge locals fear skinny jeans, flannel will bring the noise

Bay Ridge's first beer garden is slated to open this June, and somewhat unsurprisingly, local residents are not happy about…

From Murder Avenue to Barclays: new film studies BK gentrification

Now that we've confirmed that gentrification does exist, it's time to talk about it. It's a hard conversation to have,…

Williamsburg real estate prices went up 174% since 2004

We all know that Brooklyn has been getting more expensive for years. You can use ridiculous attempts to make new…

Bed-Stuy beatdown avoided, but questions remain

Last Thursday, we brought you the story of the world's most tone deaf do-gooder. Casting themselves and gentrification by way…

Gentrifier asks: ‘Will espresso save Bed-Stuy?’ Huh??

One of the more irritating charges levied by the likes of hipster haters and their ilk is that people move…

Bushwick: Since three years ago

Oh crap, you guys: blog commenters have taken to the streets! Our friend Hannah Maxfield spotted this around N. 7th and…

Bed-Stuy blogger: Get over gentrification already

Now here's an interesting discussion going on over at My Bed-Stuy, where blogger Melissa Danielle is making the case that…