Tag: g train

Matt Damon moves to BK Heights, no G train service every weekend in September, Tidal announces new benefit concert (and more links)

Friday news.

The G-oke is old: It’s officially time to stop hating on the G train

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aPdy37JtiU The G train is the skinny jeans of the subway system, the artisanal mayonnaise store of public transit, in…

Lost your grillz recently? A G train passenger found them

Have you noticed that your mouth has been non-disco ball like lately? Is the temperature of your mouth much higher…

The G train is on the FASTRACK to a service interruption next week

Are we glad the G train is back in action? Yes, probably, unless you're one of those shortsighted fools who…

Hey, good news: the Greenpoint ferry should be back this week

Hey, remember that whole looming G train shutdown that Greenpoint residents have been staring down the barrel of since the…

‘New Yorkers Barely Missing the G Train’: a pretty accurate representation

http://youtu.be/iXev83hlJbk The above video from Audrey Stanfield is a comedy skit/music video set to Enya (!) Enigma called "New Yorkers…

MTA deigns to offer us a summertime G to J transfer at Broadway

As you know, getting from Brooklyn to Queens without having to go into Manhattan is going to be a pain…

Chaos reigns: F train switches to G line, doesn’t alert passengers

Everyone loves to bitch about the G train, but the thing is, for a limited line that doesn't get much…

Metropolitan Avenue G train stop appears to be getting a touchscreen kiosk

The G isn't exactly a line one that's known for technological innovation, unless you count "waiting for so long it…

MTA to G train riders: Four (cars) is enough

As we know, there was a meeting last week that allowed people to finally yell at their elected officials/the MTA…