Tag: freelancing

Finally, a formal gathering to hone your hustle – Hustle Fest: A Freelance Career Fair

While no one's doing it for the health insurance or the prompt pay, the freelance hustle really is an art…

6 freelance-friendly cafes in Bed-Stuy

Our picks of the best coffee shops in Bed-Stuy. Come camp here.

Gov. Cuomo wants to make life easier for freelancers in NY

We know that freelancers are considered by many to be a pretty low rung of the job market, one that didn't…

There’s a new app that tells you how to cowork in NYC, but not how to be a decent human

One of the singular phenomena of the modern age has been the exponential growth of the freelance workforce. Over the past decade…

Freelancers vote more than the general population. So why don’t politicians talk about them?

One voter segment you basically never hear anything about during this or any election — well, not counting anyone who…

Crisis in laptop nation: Why Brooklyn coffee shops are limiting the wifi you use

Last year, Brokelyn told you how not to be a dick when camping out in a coffee shop. This year though, you might…

The Do’s and Don’ts of camping out in a coffee shop

Coffee shops are a great place to get work done, but they're businesses, too. Here's how to behave without pissing…

‘It’s A Freelance Life’ captures the futility of freelancing, in song!

http://youtu.be/HmNjpEa19w4 The remake of Annie is coming out soon, so that means the time is ripe for parody songs about it.…

New website hooks up furloughed fed employees with freelance gigs

Are you a recently furloughed federal employee? We're sure it was nice for a couple of days at least, sleeping…

NY cracks down on fake Yelp reviews, strangling another small business

While perusing Yelp when you're thinking of going out somewhere, do you ever look at the reviews and think to…