Tag: free wifi

Take your computer to a park, damnit

Happy spring! Or whatever this is! Our fear of what this surely ominous early onset of warmth means is only…

Fort Greene Park now jacked in to free wifi

This would normally be an item we'd tell you to hold on til the glory days of summer, but with…

Thursday linkage

John Hodgman finally answers burning Park Slope questions [FiPS] Book price inflation index [The Awl] Special Jesus birthday hours at…

Two more Brooklyn parks get the free wifi love

Free wifi has been creeping its way across public parks ever since the city announced the initiative this summer: McCarren…

How well does McCarren’s free wifi work?

McCarren just became the first of the five Brooklyn park set to receive free wifi, thanks to tech ninjas who installed…

The internet is stalking you: Free wifi coming to BK parks

Prospect, McCarren, Fort Greene, Brooklyn Bridge and Herbert Von King parks will be hooked up with wifi thanks to AT&T…