Tag: Flatbush

Craigslist freebie of the day: Vintage subway tiles

Are you redecorating your apartment? Or holding out the hope that one day you can own a place you can…

This gets our goat: It’s Caribbean Restaurant Week

Food is good and necessary for your continued biological function and all that, but sometimes you just don't want to…

Register to become a bone marrow donor in Flatbush on Saturday

There's not much in this world that people can 100% get behind, but one of those things that everyone agrees…

No insurance? No problem at the Brooklyn Free Clinic’s Women’s Health Night

It's barely a week into January, but if you're like me the chances are you're already terrified about all of…

Now Jumaane Williams needs your ideas on how to spend one million bucks

Participatory budgeting is sweeping Brooklyn! Following in Councilmember Levin and Councilmember Lander’s footsteps all over brownstone Brooklyn, resident badass City…

Antics on Atlantic and 13 other ways to enjoy the weekend

1. Which comics will Marc Maron secretly hate in a couple years and why? The only way to find out…

The haircut club for dudes: 8 places for a cheap men’s cut

It's inevitable, you guys are going to have to get a haircut some time. So unless you are confident in…

Enter a world of pure imagination and 12 other free ideas this week

1. Tao Lin brings his awkward prose to BookCourt for a night of social engagement (Monday) 2. Go Up at East…

Catch summer blockbusters for just five bucks with this Living Social deal!

Are you guys excited about White House Down? You know, the movie where terrorists take over the White House and…

Crowdfund the Caribbean Fim Festival, buy them a camera

Carribeing, Flatbush's annual film festival celebrating Caribbean cinema and culture, needs some help getting off the ground this year. So,…