Tag: etiquette

So you’ve got bed bugs. Who do you need to tell?

We’ve been talking a lot about bed bugs here at Brokelyn this month (an interview with Brooklyn’s bed bug queen, Brooke…

Public service announcement: Your terrible vestibule etiquette makes winter worse

We're about to go into a bone-chilling, frozen-pipes-warning, the polar-opposite-from-summer, they-even-cancelled-an-ice-festival-because-it's-too-cold weekend. So let's take a moment to appreciate some true…

The Do’s and Don’ts of camping out in a coffee shop

Coffee shops are a great place to get work done, but they're businesses, too. Here's how to behave without pissing…

The dummy’s guide to attending a party in Brooklyn in 2015

Welcome to part 2 of our How to Be Better at Parties series. Yesterday we took you through a detailed…

How Not to Be a Dick: In Brooklyn

While writing my book How Not to Be a Dick, (now available in stores and online!), there were a lot…