Tag: dekalb market

Last-minute shopping, last chance to shop local!

We've been giving you ample head's up about all the great local markets and Brooklyn gift ideas this year, but…

The Brokelyn guide to BK holiday markets

This year, holiday markets are popping up around Brooklyn like Swedish espresso shops, with added inducements like concerts, performances and…

Learn urban farming skills for free-I-EE-I-O

You already know about the deals at Dekalb Market, and the market's special Sunday afternoon Fashion Week event. So while…

Fashion’s Night Out: What’s up in Brooklyn?

A sampling of some of the Brooklyn events featured in this year's Fashion's Night Out on Thursday, Sept. 8.

This weekend: Rock Beach, Naked Bike Ride, Block Party

FRIDAY 7pm: greenpoint's word and the brooklyn kitchen team up to make a singles mixer in celebration of pi day…