Tag: crest hardware

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, pumpkin carving edition

1. Learn to kick-ass at Women’s Self-Defense Class and learn effective self-defense techniques and how to avoid and respond to different…

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, open everything edition

Shake your brass, delve into the dark and delightful, carve out a spot, hear musical mashups, go back to analogue,…

The 20 best cheap things to do in Brooklyn this weekend, dogs in wigs edition

1. Booze it up at this month's BHS Free Friday: Oktoberfest, with Brooklyn beer history from the archives, a beer…

Marvel at the magic of Minge World, and 22 more ways to have an amazing weekend

1. Head out to sea for a watery production of Moby-Dick adaptation Or, the Whale aboard the floating Waterfront Museum. (Friday through…

17 Brooklyn Halloween events that aren’t scary unaffordable

‘Tis the season to put out the pumpkins, deck the halls with boughs of cobwebs and stir your cauldron pot,…

Submit your short film to the latest Brooklyn film festival, at…Crest Hardware?

Looking for some recognition on your visionary avant garde short film? Or just decided you want to shoot three minutes…

Avoid Michael Myers and 25 other things to do this weekend

1. Missed the whiskey tasting last week? Well good news: there's a whole new opportunity for you to drink a…

16 horrifyingly fun Brooklyn Halloween events

Every year as Halloween sneaks up, I feel blindsided by my time-sensitive inability to find plans I’m excited about for…

11 Halloween events that won’t murder your budget

I know – you're getting inundated with too much Halloween stuff right? No. Of course not. You should love Halloween…

Find the best apple pie AND the best mac and cheese in Brooklyn, and 12 other ways to enjoy the weekend

1. Find the soul of America at the Distiller CMJ showcase. If you're looking for the soul of Amercia, try…