Tag: craigslist

Man who lives in tiny house, wants to find place in Brooklyn for tiny house

We've certainly heard of people asking if anyone has a spare room or couch in Brooklyn. This has to be…

Free on Craigslist: Two working, electric dental chairs

Tired of the same old bullshit chairs in your apartment? Looking for something that will be unique AND bring the…

Craigslist freebie of the day: A SpongeBob bouncy castle

One of the worst things about adulthood is that nobody lets you onto the bouncy castle anymore. You're just supposed…

Lessons Brooklyn taught me: a transplant’s love letter

Brooklyn may not be where I was born and raised, but eight years, six jobs, five apartments, three ER visits,…

Narcissist wanted for $800/month bedroom in new Williamsburg luxury building

We don't need to tell you about how Brooklyn's real estate market is a nightmare, but if you'd like a…

Men’s apparel company seeks ‘handsome hipster’

Do people commonly refer to you by adjectives that pigeonhole your social identity into a poorly-generalized subsection of Brooklyn counterculture? Are…

A Joe Biden superfan in Crown Heights is giving away his giant BIDEN poster

Do you guys remember the halcyon days of the 2012 election? We do, in part because it was so goddamn…

Craigslist freebie of the day: Relive dentist office nightmares with your new free vintage dentist chair

No one likes going to the dentist's office, because even if your dentist is a perfectly nice man or woman,…

Crown Heights shut-in makes DIY gloryhole

When you want to get laid but you don't really feel like going out, what's a boy to do? In…

Craigslist freebie of the day: Vintage subway tiles

Are you redecorating your apartment? Or holding out the hope that one day you can own a place you can…