Tag: Coney Island

The 20 best things to do this weekend, feline edition

Coney Island burlesque, Cat's Eye Cabaret, Meowmania, yoga in the park, and more.

The Coney Island Flicks on the Beach 2018 schedule

Movies on the beach. For free.

PDA PSA: Where not to make out in Brooklyn

Want to kiss in public? You probably shouldn't.

Siren call: cool snaps from the 2018 Coney Island Mermaid Parade

“I only mark the hours that shine.” – Little Edie Beale

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, call yr dad edition

And, mermaids. Everywhere.

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, Brooklyn Pride edition

Sake to me, travel without leaving, march through the streets, amplify yourself, swap til you drop, wrap it up, put…

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, memorial edition

Read poetry, glow in the dark, celebrate four-legged friends, and some rad BBQs this weekend.

The 20 best things to do this weekend, get blazed edition

Bust out the ouija bong, strip down, clean up for summer, see a synth pioneer, sustain yourself, pick some weeds,…

Ride all the rides at Luna Park for just $5 on opening day

Being an adult is for squares. Ride the Cyclone on 3/24 for free.

Animated movie trailer explores alternate Coney Island full of sentient construction cones

A teaser trailer anthropomorphizes some Coney Island traffic cones and delves into their unstable and bizarre personal lives.