Tag: Christmas

Brooklyn’s best under-$10 bottles

A holiday party without good wine is like... well... enough said. With the sheer number of get-togethers on most folks'…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift #22: 75-cent gloves

We're gonna catch all kinds of crap for posting a gift from Target, since it isn't exactly a homespun mom-and-pop…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift #20: Georgia O’Keeffe poster

Back in our day, just about every sexually confused undergrad had at least one Georgia O'Keeffe poster on her wall,…

$25-and-under gift idea #19: letterpress coasters

Before all you practical types start grousing that junk-mail envelopes and magazines make perfectly good coasters, remember that the whole…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift #16: travel bottles

There's nothing a miser hates more than travel-size anything, ie., getting gauged for convenience's sake. That's why we dig GoToob,…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift #13: pigeon feather in a tube

Maybe you know a Brooklynite in absentia (they'll be back, don't worry) or maybe you're a recent arrival yourself and…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift idea #12: boudoir mirrors

If you have a design-y friend who's been big into those mod, one-dimensional takes on fussy classics (chandelier decals on…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift idea #11: LEGO iPod dock

Considering that LEGOs have spawned a whole sculptural movement, with some masterpieces to rival just about anything the ancient Greeks…

Have yourself a Craigslist Christmas

Craigslist contains some items (okay, most) that we wouldn't even want for free (bedsheets? um, no thanks.), and some that…

The dos and don’ts of holiday DIY gifts

So You Think You Can DIY?  When it comes to handmade holiday gifts, here's the deal: I don't want a…