Tag: Bushwick

Don’t want to cook on Memorial Day? Hit up a ‘bar’-becue

Memorial Day marks the official start of the wonderful season known as "grilling season," where it finally becomes acceptable to…

Bars We Love: Let Mama Joy’s make it all better

Mama Joy's 1084 Flushing Ave., at Porter Ave. Bushwick (347) 295-2227 What is it: Perfectly placed between the Morgan and…

Join a conspiracy of beards and 10 other weekend ideas

1. Brooklyn Launchpad invites you to perform any kind of art you can think of, provided you can do it…

Enroll in Rock ‘n’ Roll High School and 11 other free events this week

1. A professional psychotherapist stops by BookCourt to talk about the WAR over the DSM V. Maybe he'll diagnose you…

Not dickin’ around: ‘Smallest penis’ contest in Bushwick

Usually when it comes to penis size, you'll find guys lining up to talk about how huge they are. Or,…

Get happy! And 16 other ways to spend this weekend

1. OK, it's finally here. Time to stuff yourself stupid at GoogaMooga, at least if you can afford to do…

Buy a piece of D.I.Y history this weekend at the Market Hotel tag sale

For people of a certain age, the Market Hotel was the ultimate DIY venue in Brooklyn. Maybe even in the…

The Bushwick rap scene has been put on notice

Awesome rap news giveth, awesome rap news taketh away. In what we can only assume is a tryout to be…

Get your insane party shoes on, here comes Tiki Disco

Despite the fact that the mercury is barely getting above 70 with any regularity, summer is coming, we swear. We…

The most Bushwick passage in the most Bushwick story, ever

Controversy in Bushwick usually sends reporters scurrying over here in search of ridiculous young people to talk to, in the…