Tag: budweiser

Budweiser debuts ad campaign trying to establish itself as ‘the Brooklyn choice’

Budweiser is a beer that is perfectly fine to drink when it's the only thing in the beach cooler or…

Budweiser is so thirsty for Brooklyn

We don't know what it is with Budweiser lately, man. First they launch an ad campaign built around trying to…

Craft breweries declare WAR back at Budweiser

http://youtu.be/VCgkTeuJkR8 Well, that certainly didn't take long. After Budweiser fired an electro-soundtracked shot across the bow of fancy shmancy craft…

Budweiser uses Super Bowl ad to declare war on Brooklyn

http://youtu.be/siHU_9ec94c Last night's Super Bowl had many highlights: Chris "Hardball" Matthews coming out of nowhere to almost be MVP, Katy…

Budweiser pins hopes on millennials buying expensive Christmas beer cases

The problem with millennials isn't so much the things we say and do, it's more the embarrassing lengths that brands…

The definitive ranking of summer 2014’s special edition beer cans

We rank the 5 top speciality cans of summer 2014, based on style, taste, patriotism, price & artistic ambition. Also…

PSA: Do not buy this stupid beer can

For all the money that Budweiser and other macro-breweries spend on advertising that accuses you of being a gay for…

The great summer AmeriCan debate: Bud vs. Miller High Life

Fellow Americans, last summer represented a crucial moment in cheap beer marketing when Budweiser dominated the summer with the release…

And the blue ribbon goes to… the search for the best cheap beer

With low budgets and thirsty gullets, we set out to answer the question: when it comes to the bottom-of-the-cost-ladder beers…