Tag: Brooklyn

Bernie to launch 2020 campaign in Brooklyn after raising $10 million in one week

Brooklyn will be the first to "feel the Bern" at his 2020 Presidential campaign kickoff this Saturday (2/2) at Brooklyn…

Bernies’ Brooklyn Home, Botanical Orchards, ‘Bridge Over Tree’ and more links

Some Brooklyn headlines to send you off and into the weekend...

MTA seizes tax refund of former homeless Brooklyn veteran for 22 year old ticket

David Evans of Brooklyn discovered his would-be tax return went to the MTA in an enforced judgment for a ticket…

Walt Whitman is the original Brooklyn bohemian

Whitman wrote for the Long Island Star and became the managing editor of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle through 1848, where…

El Chapo found guilty on all counts in Brooklyn federal court today

El Chapo was found guilty on all 10 counts including money laundering, drug trafficking, and weapons charges by a jury…

Brooklyn’s most dangerous intersections mapped

Williamsburg has a cluster of perilous single-lane intersections.

Cuomo Ridicules MTA for….Cleaning With Tide?

While anyone stuck on a musty petroleum-scented L train might share the same thoughts, Cuomo threw some seriously petty shade.

L Train Gas Aroma Hospitalizes Workers

Fans are installed above the Graham Avenue L train station to help suck out the gas smell that has made…

The ‘Porta-Potty King of NY’ brings luxury toilet trailers to Brooklyn

Ok, not gonna lie. A dank porta-potty is the worst thing ever but is the Williamsburg luxury restroom trailer worth…

The CBD Free-for-all Is Over for NYC Cafes and Bars

The NYC Health Department in now cracking down on cafes and bars that serve food and drinks with CBD