Tag: brooklyn nine-nine

New Republic writer calls ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ conservative agitprop

"Brooklyn Nine-Nine is dead-set on maintaining the shiny-on-the-surface, gross-on-the-inside legacy of the Bloomberg/Ray Kelly era. But the ultra-conservative NYPD is an…

Is Brooklyn’s fictional 99th Precinct in Park Slope?

We've been enjoying Brooklyn Nine-Nine here at Brokelyn HQ (well, some of us have), despite it not having that mich…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ dispatches laughter, suspect BK references

What's that you say? A new show set in Brooklyn that isn't about being in your twenties and _____? Sounds…

Enjoy the right to free laughs and 11 other free things to do this week

1. The Society for the Advancement of Social Studies says "Hooray for Hollywood (history)," despite the fact that we all…

Finally, a TV show in Brooklyn not about young people screwing up

TV shows set in Brooklyn have had a common thread running through them lately. They're all about young broke girls…